Introducing “La Trappe Melder”: Get notified when a new batch of La Trappe Quadrupel Oak Aged is released! 🍻

The last couple of days I spent on writing a web service to notify people of new La Trappe Quadrupel Oak Aged batches. Why did I spent my free time on that? Well… Reddit made me do it! And I also really like that beer 😜🍻 Where can I find this important service? Go checkout […]

Using Docker on an M1 Mac by running Docker on an old Intel Mac

EDIT: There is now a Docker technical preview for M1 Macs. I checked it out, and it’s way more useful than this guide! This guide is for you if you jumped on the Apple Silicon bandwagon and bought yourself a fancy new M1 Mac, but you need Docker from time to time. It describes how […]

Configuring Wireguard VPN with wg-access-server

For years I have used IPSec and OpenVPN, but they are not always the easiest to setup. Recently I discovered how simple VPN config can be with Wireguard. If you follow this guide, you can have a VPN up and running in less than 10 minutes (given that you know Docker). Introduction Wireguard If you’re […]

Serving self-hosted Invoice Ninja with Caddy

Invoice Ninja is an open-source platform which helps you take care of clients, invoices, payments, expenses, time-tracking, and more… In this guide I explain how you can run Invoice Ninja on your own server with Caddy and PHP-FPM. Prerequisites MySQL Server up and running PHP-FPM up and running I assume that you have already setup […]

Running Caddy as a service on macOS X server

Installing Caddy Download Caddy from the official website. Give the executable root permissions1: $ chown root ./caddy $ chmod +s ./caddy Caddyfile Caddy reads it configuration for the Caddyfile. More information can be found in the official documentation. Launchd config Create a launchd plist file: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.caddyserver.web.plist. This file should look like this: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> […]

Running Gogs (Go Git Service) as a service on macOS X server

This guides explains how you can run Gogs git server as a service on your Mac using launchd. Command line tools First you need to install Xcode from the Mac App Store. Once installed, you also need the Command Line Tools, you can initiate the download process by executing $ xcode-select –install in the Terminal. […]

HTTP caching mechanisms in Caddy

Providing the ability for clients to cache static file requests is very important. It prevents the unneeded transfer of (static) files from server to client. Caching doesn’t only speedup things for the client, but also decreases the server load. But which caching mechanisms does Caddy provide, and how can they be enabled? ETag The HTTP […]

Two months ago I started to “Serve The Web Like It’s 2016”, and I’m still loving Caddy!

Caddy? Wooha, hold your horses, what is Caddy?! Caddy is a web server like Apache or Nginx, but different: Caddy is a modern web server (supporting HTTP/2) with elegant and easy configuration. It comes with automated HTTPS (with Let’s Encrypt) and a growing number of extensions (including Git support). It’s open source software, written in […]

Serving ownCloud with Caddy

In this post, I’ll walk you through how to set up ownCloud with Caddy for a secure, personal cloud service. I wrote this guide while configuring on Ubuntu 14. ownCloud A quick introduction to ownCloud for those who never heard about it (as found on Wikipedia): OwnCloud (stylized ownCloud) is a suite of client-server software […]

Raspberry Pi with HifiBerry running Volumio, an awesome music streamer!

I guess everyone knows the Raspberry Pi, a tiny, extendable single-board computer that is capable of doing almost everything. But have you already used the Raspberry Pi with the HifiBerry, a better sound card? The HifiBerry is a high fidelity DAC (digital-to-analog converter) which brings high-quality sound to the Pi. (Yes, it’s very easy to install, it’s just […]