Configuring Wireguard VPN with wg-access-server

For years I have used IPSec and OpenVPN, but they are not always the easiest to setup. Recently I discovered how simple VPN config can be with Wireguard. If you follow this guide, you can have a VPN up and running in less than 10 minutes (given that you know Docker). Introduction Wireguard If you’re […]

Benchmarking a baremetal Scaleway server

This week I needed database (RDBMS) and PHP (frameworks) benchmarks for the Scaleway C2M server. Whilst doing so, I thought it would be useful to fully benchmark the server and share it in a blogpost. CPU & Memory I tested the dedicated server (C2M) with 8 cores, 16GB ram and 50GB storage (running Ubuntu 16). […]


Zoals de meeste informatici ben ik amper weg te slaan van mijn computer. Maar zoals enkele duizenden andere computer liefhebbers heb ik vandaag een dag doorgebracht op FOSDEM in Brussel. De jaarlijkse ‘Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting’  (waar ik slechts voor de eerste keer aanwezig was) is de hoogdag voor de informatici die […]