Configure Fish with ‘bobthefish’ and ‘nerd fonts’ on Mac

The first thing I do on a new Mac is configuring the terminal and shell. I always install Fish and bobthefish with patched nerd fonts. If you follow the steps in this blogpost, you will have a nice looking shell like mine: Install Homebrew If you haven’t installed Homebrew yet, head over to to […]

Data-Driven Testing in Go aka Table Testing or Parameterized Testing

When writing tests, we want to focus as much as possible on the actual test cases and test data, and not on implementing the individual cases. The less time you spend in writing code to implement a test-case, the more time you can spend on actual test data. This is where data-driven testing comes in […]

Running `go fmt`, `goimports` and `golangci-lint` on save with GoLand

Recently I started using GoLand for Go development. This means that I’m constantly adapting to this new editor and looking up how to do certain things. One of the things I really liked in Visual Studio Code was the formatting/linting/goimports on save. It appears that it is super simple to enable this in GoLand. Go […]

How to convert all your old AppleWorks and ClarisWorks documents to PDF?

Recently someone asked me if I could help him open old documents on his Mac. Those documents were made in 1997 with ClarisWorks (ClarisWorks is de predecessor of AppleWorks) and can’t be opened with any version of Pages (not even the oldest iWork version that runs on Intel Macs). Luckily, there is still a way […]

Running Gogs (Go Git Service) as a service on macOS X server

This guides explains how you can run Gogs git server as a service on your Mac using launchd. Command line tools First you need to install Xcode from the Mac App Store. Once installed, you also need the Command Line Tools, you can initiate the download process by executing $ xcode-select –install in the Terminal. […]

An introduction to PHP 7 type declarations

PHP 7 introduced a feature everyone was waiting for: typing. This solves a lot of bugs/problems caused by wrong types passed to function or returned by functions. Strict typing vs type coercion Before I introduce the actual typing of arguments or return values, I must explain PHP’s behaviour when types don’t match. By default PHP tries […]