Configure Fish with ‘bobthefish’ and ‘nerd fonts’ on Mac

The first thing I do on a new Mac is configuring the terminal and shell. I always install Fish and bobthefish with patched nerd fonts. If you follow the steps in this blogpost, you will have a nice looking shell like mine:

Install Homebrew

If you haven’t installed Homebrew yet, head over to to install it on your Mac.

Install Fish

$ brew install fish

In order to make fish your default shell, add /usr/local/bin/fish to /etc/shells , and execute chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish . If not, then you can always type fish in bash .

Install Oh My Fish

$ curl -L | fish

More info about Oh My Fish can be found here:

Install bobthefish

$ omf install bobthefish

To make best use of bobthefish you must nerd fonts patched font fonts. These fonts add icons and symbols to your shell:

$ set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes

More info about bobthefish can be found here:

Install nerd fonts

To install the nerd fonts that we have activated for bobthefish we can use Homebrew:

$ brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
$ brew cask install font-hack-nerd-font

Enable nerd fonts in the terminal profile

Don’t forget to enable the patched nerd fonts in your terminal profile:

  1. Go to the preferences of the Terminal app.
  2. Choose your default profile.
  3. Change the font to Hack Nerd Font (regular).

Now you’re all set. Open a new terminal window and enjoy a good looking shell!