A couple of months ago, Dylan Calluy — an aspiring Antwerp-based photographer — asked me to build a portfolio website for him. He wanted a nice-looking gallery to share his work with the world.
So we designed the website together. Then I handcrafted the responsive web application for him, combined with a sleek web interface where Dylan can manage all his beautiful content all by himself.
Go check it out at dylancalluy.com!

For the more tech savvy people:
- The front-end is a SPA, built with VueJS.
- The back-end is a headless WordPress installation with custom admin pages and custom REST routes to allow Dylan for managing all his content.
- For the contact form I use my own service called MailBear. It is an API to which you can send POST requests containing the form data. MailBear then sends it to the recipient (Dylan in this case).
- All is served with Caddy webserver.
- Everything is running in its own Docker container.