iTunes Library Parser – AlbumListGenerator

class AlbumListGenerator:

def __init__(self, input_file):
    self.parsedLibrary = iTunesParser(input_file)
    self.albums = list()

def generateList(self):
    '''Generate list of albums'''


    #Loop through tracks in parsed libary
    for track in self.parsedLibrary.getTrackList():

        #Add album to list if it is not yet found in the list
        if not self.isInList(track.getAlbum()):
            self.albums.append(Album(track.getAlbum(), track.getAlbumArtist(), track.getYear()))

def getList(self):
    '''Return list of albums'''
    return self.albums

def isInList(self, album_name):
    '''Check if the album with the given name is yet in the list'''
    #Loop through albums
    for album in self.albums:

        #Check if album name is found
        if album.getAlbum() == album_name:
            return True

    return False

def sortList(self):
    '''Sort the list with the album name as search key'''
    self.albums.sort(key = lambda Album: Album.artist)

def __str__(self):
    '''Returns string of List with all albums'''

    string = ""

    for i in range ( len(self.albums) ):

        string += str(i+1)+". "

        string += str(self.albums[i])

        if i != len(self.albums) - 1:
            string += "\n"

    return string